The EnviroBasin™ is an At-Source Gross Pollutant Trap.
The EnviroBasin ™ replaces conventional gully pits in the drainage network providing drainage inlet and stormwater treatment devices. This dual function reduces concrete, pipework and maintenance, reducing the overall carbon footprint of stormwater treatment.
EnviroBasin™ is simple to incorporate into any infrastructure project as pre-treatment to WSUD or other tertiary filters, or as a stand alone GPT and is supplied as a manufactured product. The EnviroBasin is a pre-engineered and manufactured treatment device that reduces the size and maintenance costs of downstream treatment.
The EnviroBasin™ is ISO 14034 performance verified.
(ISO 14034 is an international verification practice that ensures technology performance claims are valid, credible and supported by independent, high-quality test data.)
Using the EnviroBasin™ instead of traditional Gross Pollutant Traps reduces the number of stormwater assets installed and maintained, providing significant savings to the land developer and the end-user.
The EnviroBasin™ is a
pre-manufactured and easily handled device saving the
drainage contractor time
and expense in installation.
The system is easy to maintain and the EnviroBasin’s™ unique enhanced storage sump capacity extends vactor truck maintenance requirements to once every
two-to-three years.
The EnviroBasin™ received ISO 14034 verification in 2021, obtaining over 60 per cent removal of suspended sediment.
EnviroPod offers a free design service where the cumulative performance of several EnviroBasin’s™ can be modelled for a specific project based on local rainfall and treatment needs.
This service allows stormwater consultants to optimize the number and the location of EnviroBasin’s™ for their projects.
Contact one of our team to find out more.
Download brochures, install manuals and technical documentation.
Talk to our experts to find out how we can work together to protect the lakes from pollution.
Australia Toll Free: 1800 249 927
North America : +1 (909) 499-7298
All other regional enquires: info@ENVIROPOD.COM
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