Catch Basin Insert - Catch Basin Filter Insert Parts

Storm Water Drain Filter LittaTrap with Liner

Performance Liners

The performance of the EnviroPod™ LittaTrap™ can be enhanced by the use of liners. We provide options for a range of liner sizes to target the smallest gross pollutants.

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J-Hooks allow for easy lifting of the LittaTrap™ basket when undertaking routine maintenance. As with any maintenance follow local H&S guidelines.

LavaSorb Oil Absorbant

Absorbs and retains oils and oil-based liquids, including lubricants and fuels, without absorbing a drop of water.

Download the Brochure HERE.

Stormwater Pit Accesories Enviropod Seal Kit

Seal Kits

Seal kits can be purchased to fit 900mm wide, 1200mm wide catchbasins. Other sizes are available on request.

Stormwater Pit Accesories Enviropod Manhole Seal Kit

Manhole Adaptor Kits

Currently available for 600 diameter and 1050 diameter manholes.

Talk to us to find out which stormwater pit catch basin filter insert bags and parts are right for your needs.

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