At EnviroPod™, we are dedicated to protecting waterways from pollution and improving the quality of our environment. This commitment has led to a collaboration with the University of Toronto’s Trash Team, contributing to the Toronto Inner Harbour Floatables Strategy. This broad initiative brings together various organizations to address plastic pollution in Toronto’s waterways. EnviroPod™ is proud to be involved in two major projects under this strategy: Operation Sweep the Creek and our ongoing partnership with Ports of Toronto.

1. Operation Sweep the Creek

Operation Sweep the Creek is a multi-phase project aimed at reducing plastic pellet loss from the plastics industry in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). These plastic pellets, known as nurdles, are a significant source of microplastic pollution, often escaping during manufacturing and transportation processes and ending up in waterways.

This project is motivated by studies that reveal the presence of plastic pellets in tributaries and shorelines throughout the Great Lakes basin. The goal of Operation Sweep the Creek is to prevent further contamination by addressing the source of this pollution.

Our Role:
The Trash Team installed EnviroPod™ LittaTraps™ to play a crucial role in this project by intercepting plastic pellets before they enter water bodies. After the pellets are captured by the LittaTraps™, they are counted to quantify and qualify the pollution load, helping assess the extent of the problem and effectiveness of the solution. This process aids in reducing the environmental impact and protecting waterways from plastic pollution.

2. Partnership with Ports Toronto

Since 2019, EnviroPod™ has partnered with the Ports of Toronto and the University of Toronto Trash Team to lead trash-trapping efforts in the Toronto Inner Harbour. Ports of Toronto is a vital player in the fight against waterway pollution, and together we have made significant progress in capturing and removing floating debris from the harbour.

Our Contribution:
EnviroPod™ provides LittaTrap catch basin filters that are strategically placed to capture floating debris, including plastics before it reaches. These efforts help maintain the health of the harbour and ensure cleaner water for both wildlife and the local community.

Continued Efforts:
Our partnership with Ports of Toronto is ongoing, with continuous improvements to our trash-trapping methods and regular monitoring to ensure optimal performance in reducing pollution levels.

Commitment to Environmental Stewardship
EnviroPod’s™ collaboration with the University of Toronto Trash Team and Ports of Toronto underscores our commitment to environmental stewardship and innovative solutions. Through projects like Operation Sweep the Creek and our ongoing trash-trapping initiatives in the Toronto Inner Harbour, we are making tangible progress in reducing plastic pollution in the GTA.

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