Colton is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States. Nicknamed "Hub City".

The City of Colton Public Works approved the use of the LittaTrap Curb Inlet Filter FC Model for installation at 10 x municipal catch basin locations along public streets.

The Enviropod team recently installed the curb inlet filters, delivering the project with our partnership with Storm Water Inspection & Maintenance Services (SWIMS).

The modular design of the LittaTrap allows for flexibility during installation, making it quick and easy no matter the challenges faced in the catch basin. Depending on the state of the drain, often cleaning the vault prior to installation can take longer than the install of the LittaTrap’s themselves.

The seven-foot long curbs inlets have two large LittaTrap’s installed side-by-side. Each unit is able to capture three cubic feet of trash and debris while conveying some of the highest flow rates of any product available. The LittaTrap also has a bypass function in the event of the basket becoming fill prior to maintenance.

The LittaTrap Inlet Filter FC model is certified by the CA State Water Board as a Full Trash Capture device for use by local municipalities in California.

Two LittaTrap's installed side-by-side in the large curb inlet

To find out more on the LittaTrap, this project or how we can help with water quality needs , contact us

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