A Water Quality Inlet (WQI), also known as a water quality unit or hydrodynamic separator, is a device that removes pollutants from stormwater runoff before it enters the drainage system. It is designed to capture sediment, trash, oil, grease, and other contaminants that can harm the environment and public health. A Water Quality Inlet is one of the best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater management, as it helps to reduce the impact of urbanisation on natural water bodies and ecosystems.

How Does Water Quality Inlet Work?

Water Quality Inlets works by using gravity and hydrodynamic forces to separate pollutants from stormwater. As stormwater enters the inlet the surface, it flows through a chamber through flow modifying components.  This motion causes the heavier particles, to settle at the bottom of the chamber, while the lighter particles, such as oil and grease, and trash to float to the top. The clean water then exits the chamber through an outlet pipe and joins the drainage system. The pollutants are trapped inside the chamber and need to be periodically removed and disposed of properly.

Some water quality inlets have additional features that enhance their performance and efficiency. For example, screens can be installed at the inlet to capture larger trash and plastics that would otherwise bypass the chamber. Flow controls can be used to regulate the flow rate and reduce the turbulence inside the chamber, which improves the sedimentation process and prevents resuspension of the settled particles.

What Are the Benefits of Water Quality Inlet?

Water Quality inlet offers several benefits for stormwater management, such as:

·      Improving the quality of stormwater runoff and reducing the pollutant load to the receiving water bodies.

·      Preventing clogging and flooding of the drainage system and reducing the maintenance costs.

·      Enhancing the aesthetic and functional value of the urban landscape and creating a more livable environment.

·      Complying with the regulatory requirements and standards for stormwater management and pollution prevention.

A Water Quality Inlet is a simple, effective, and cost-efficient device that can help to protect the environment and public health from the adverse effects of stormwater runoff. By installing water quality inlets in strategic locations, such as parking lots, roads, and industrial areas, we can improve the water quality and the stormwater management in our cities and communities.

Find out more on EnviroPod’s WQI, the EnviroBasin HERE.

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