California leads the way in trash capture regulations, but inconsistent Catch Basin Insert (CBI) designs pose challenges. This webinar addresses the critical need for standardized, resilient CBIs to protect our waterways from plastic pollution and other contaminants. We'll explore research contributing to the ASTM trash capture standard, focusing on ensuring effective designs that prevent flooding and optimize stormwater network performance.
Current California design standards rely on simplified calculations that can significantly overestimate CBI capacity. This webinar presents innovative research comparing four methods for evaluating CBI hydraulic capacity: laboratory testing, the commonly used orifice equation (with both assumed and empirical discharge coefficients), a novel numerical model, and advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
This webinar offers crucial insights for regulators seeking to refine trash capture regulations and for consultants designing and implementing effective CBI systems. We will discuss the implications of these findings for California's current standards and the development of a globally consistent ASTM standard. Learn how to move beyond simplified calculations, incorporate data-driven approaches, and ensure the long-term resilience of your stormwater infrastructure in the face of evolving challenges.